Laxmipur district Birahimpur village on November 23, 1923. Muzaffar Ahmad Chowdhury was born. His father Maulvi Obaidullah was a famous scholar and head Maulana of Bashikpur Madrasa. Professor Muzaffar Ahmad matriculated from Farashganj High School in 1938 and IA from Feni College in 1940. Passed. B.A. from Dhaka University in 1943. Honors degree and M.A. in Political Science in 1944. Be the first in the first class in the final examination. He received his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics in 1970. Degree. He joined Dhaka University in 1945 as a lecturer in the Department of Political Science. He was then the Chairman of the University Grants Commission for two years till his death on 18-01-1986 and was a member of the National Cabinet for six-seven months. He was the Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University for more than a year and two months (21-62 to 12-04-1993). He was known as Sir of the University (MAC). In 1955 and 1956 he was the Administrative Adviser to the Pakistan Constituent Assembly and in 1958 he was appointed as Pakistan's Representative to the United Nations. In the same year he was also involved in drafting the constitution. He was arrested on 25 February 1952 in the wrath of the Pakistani ruling clique. He was released on May 5, 1953 after almost 14 months of imprisonment. Dr. Muzaffar Ahmad Chowdhury (MAC) died on 17 January 1986 at PG Hospital after suffering from hematomasis (hemorrhage). He was 56 years old at the time of his death.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS