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:::::::::::::::::: Welcome to 07No  Basikpur Union Parishad Web Portal ::::::::::::::::::

Basikpur Unioun Parishad

Bashikpur Union is situated in Sadar upazila of Lakshmipur district, in the north of Lakshmipur. This northern region of Lakshmipur sadar upazila has very well known as the pasture land of liberation war. This union is a traditional union with an area of ​​14 sq km and a population of about 49742 thousand. This union has 108 kms. Road; Most of which are ripe. 19 villages in Bishikpur union and it is divided into 9 wards. Bashikpur village is one of the 19 villages of the union, because it is larger than all other villages, it has been named as Bashikpur Union.